Do you ever worry about how safe your students are in their relationships? Do you think that they might be vulnerable to abuse? You may work with students who indiscriminately sit on people’s laps or hug a stranger; or alternatively an adult with learning difficulties who is capable of having close intimate connections, but you worry about the speed of which they enter these relationships. These are common concerns and situations for any parent or care giver.

It is well acknowledged that this need; to educate children and young people about relationships and social safety, is not being met at the moment. The SoSAFE! Programme is a visual teaching tool which enables learners to develop their abilities in managing; and communicating about their relationships. The program covers all degrees of interaction; from a student’s expectations of strangers, to the intricacies of an intimate relationship.

SoSAFE! moves away from making feelings based decisions so we can enable and empower our learners to make their own judgments about what is okay to do with specific people.

We have implemented SoSAFE! comprehensively within the school over the last two years. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed doing so and, as it was intended I have drawn on this resource more than once in sensitive safeguarding scenarios to very positive effect. We haven’t looked back for a moment and found the resources altogether invaluable.

– Head, Queensmill School, London